"T. B. A"


Model                       :                   Norman 23

Cockpit                    :                   Rear

Year                           :                  1980's?

Engine & Fuel         :                  Suzuki outboard petrol

Capacity                   :                  25 hp

Toilet                          :                


Having complete overhaul inside and out. all upper paint top coat removed. fine grade sanding stage at moment.


Boat had been painted by hand in acrylic paint, resulting in thick patches of paint. taking it all off and then try get it sprayed. the inside needs complete fit out. original toilet and cupboard  still there, also front lockers. top screen is one piece fibreglass, which i have seen on website on a 24.so would be glad if somebody could help as to what model it is. all windows have rubber surrounds except the two main windows which are aluminium.